Gardening in July in Ireland

Gardening in July in Ireland can be a delightful experience as it's usually a warm and sunny month. However, this July hasn’t been warm or sunny, in fact it’s been one of the wettest Julys in Ireland ever! Below are some precautions and specific tips that can help to ensure your garden thrives this July while being considerate of the heavy rain we have experienced.

Drainage and waterlogging

Heavy rain can saturate the soil, leading to poor drainage and waterlogging. In such conditions, plant roots may become deprived of oxygen, causing root rot and other water-related issues. To address this, consider improving the garden's drainage by adding organic matter to the soil or creating raised beds.

Mulching & soil erosion

Apply a layer of organic mulch around your plants to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and keep the soil cool. Suitable mulch materials include compost, straw, bark chips, or dried leaves. Intense rain can wash away topsoil, nutrients, and mulch. This erosion can be detrimental to plant health. Adding more mulch and using erosion control measures, such as terracing, can help prevent soil erosion.

Pest control & disease

Keep an eye out for common pests like aphids, slugs, and snails. Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or use organic pest control methods to protect your plants without harming the environment. Excessive moisture can create a favourable environment for fungal diseases and pests. Keep an eye out for signs of plant diseases like powdery mildew and rust, and promptly treat affected plants.

 Check out some of our pest control products here


Remove faded flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming. Deadheading redirects the plant's energy into new growth and encourages more flowers.


Prune back any overgrown or untidy growth on shrubs and flowering plants. Pruning in July can promote new growth and help maintain the plant's shape. After heavy rain, some plants may become overgrown or damaged. Check for broken branches and prune them to prevent further damage. Provide support to tall and floppy plants to prevent them from bending or breaking under the weight of rain-soaked foliage.

Delayed planting or sowing

Heavy rain may make it challenging to plant or sow seeds. If the soil is too wet, it's best to postpone planting until it's more manageable. Planting in waterlogged soil can lead to poor seed germination and root development.


Applying a balanced organic fertiliser to replenish nutrients in the soil and support the growth of your plants is important. However,  heavy rain can wash away nutrients from the soil before plants have a chance to absorb them. Consider using slow-release or organic fertilisers that are less prone to leaching, and avoid fertilising right before a forecasted heavy rain.


Check out our range of fertilsers

Weed control

Expect an increase in weed growth after heavy rainfall. Weeds can quickly take advantage of the moist, nutrient-rich environment. Stay on top of weeding to prevent them from competing with your garden plants for resources.

Inspect containers and pots

If you have potted plants, ensure that containers have drainage holes to prevent waterlogged roots. Consider moving pots to sheltered areas during heavy rain to avoid excess moisture.

Harvesting precautions

Harvest ripe fruits and vegetables promptly, as heavy rain can cause them to split or rot. If you anticipate heavy rain, consider covering vulnerable crops with garden cloths or protective covers.

Lawn care

Cut your lawn regularly to maintain its health and appearance. Consider a natural lawn fertiliser.

Being proactive and adaptable during heavy rain in July will help you manage the challenges and keep your garden thriving. Monitoring your plants and taking timely actions can mitigate potential issues and ensure a successful gardening season despite the weather's challenges.





Gardening in August in Ireland


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